Our History

Chris Crestani served for 40 years as the Chief Radiation Therapist at St. Vincent’s hospital, in Sydney.  He managed the radiation therapy treatments of countless patients affected by cancer.  Unfortunately, Chris himself was diagnosed with a malignant tumour in 2005 and passed from it the following year.

Throughout his long career Chris had been an advocate for young professionals and encouraged them to further their learning, improving their knowledge and skills. He left a legacy of kindness, dedication, and commitment to cancer patients.

As a Registered Nurse and a recipient of a scholarship herself, early in her career, Yvonne shares these commitments to service and a belief in the power of education. It is these beliefs and sadly a personal understanding of the effect cancer has on everyone it touches that led to the founding of the scholarship programme in 2007, in memory of Chris.  

Yvonne chose to use the, today well known, Crestani Family Crest to honour the family and the Mission “Better Outcomes for Cancer Patients”.

Yvonne began organising the first of many Garden Parties at her home, designed to increase awareness of cancer and to raise funds for cancer research and further education of Radiation Therapists. 

The Garden Parties became part of the Central Coast Social Calendar and she and a small group of dedicated Volunteers ensured all of money raised was directed to Education and Research Scholarships for Radiation Therapists, first at Royal North Shore Hospital and later with the opening of the new Radiotherapy Department at Gosford Hospital, the Central Coast Cancer Centre.  

In 2016 the Scholarship Program was extended to include Physicists, Nurses, and other allied personnel. In 2017 with the establishment of a new Partnership with the University of Newcastle – School of Health Sciences (Radiation Therapy), the programme was expanded to include Radiation Therapy students. In 2022 the programme grew to include medical students and in 2023 the programme will again expand, offering a Scholarship to nursing students. In addition, planning is underway to support research initiatives at the Central Coast Research Institute.

Thanks to its Donors, Supporters and Volunteers and in collaboration with its Partners, Crestani Scholarships has awarded over fifty Scholarships since 2008.

Your continued support and contribution to Crestani Scholarships assists the advancement of education and research in the treatment of cancer, contributing to better outcomes for cancer patients.

Portrait of Chris wearing a white coat

Video: the Crestani Scholarships story
